Classroom Evaluation and Assessment
- Classroom Evaluation and Assessment shows how assessment principles apply to the full range of teacher decision-making and not just the formal evaluation of student learning. For this reason, a Valid measurement of how students’ experiences in Al Manar International Schools classrooms lead to gains in learning requires a developmental approach to conceptualizing classroom processes.
- MIS presents a potentially useful theoretical model, the Teaching Through Interactions framework, which posits teacher-student interactions as a central driver for student learning and that teacher-student interactions can be organized into three major domains. …distinct emotional, organizational, and instructional domains of teacher-student interaction.
Classrooms Characterized
- Classrooms characterized by a positive emotional climate, with sensitivity to adolescent needs and perspectives, use of diverse and engaging instructional learning formats, and a focus on analysis and problem solving were associated with higher levels of student achievement.
- Effects of higher quality teacher–student interactions were greatest in classrooms with fewer students. Implications for teacher performance assessment and teacher effects on achievement are discussed.